Some days are roads and traffic, or maybe trains.
Some days are appointments you made months ago.
Some days are so similar to other days you're not quite sure if you've slept.
Some days are inside all day without windows.
Some days you are standing directly under a huge, magnificent sky;
but forget to look up.
Some days make no reference to sunsets or birds.
Others do.
You know it has been raining A LOT recently when that 40-second walk from the car to the front door takes ….. well, a lot longer. Even once you are inside the house 'they' are still hovering before your eyes.
STARS. Tonight there were stars in the sky.
No unbroken canopy of grey, no underside of a weary umbrella.
If you've ever tried to capture stars with a phone camera, you'll know it's not particularly successful. So here is a photograph of some very pretty clouds. It's up to you to imagine it's night time, imagine the clouds dissolving completely into perfect still air, and let yourself be amazed by STARS.